Precipitation Changes
"Inspiration sourced from data from the Greater Yellowstone Climate Assessment, indicating decreasing snow and rising rainfall over the coming decades. White gouache added representing shifting migration patterns for local wildlife based on changes to habitat."

Inspiration & works cited:
"Building Climate Resiliency with the Greater Yellowstone Climate Assessment," Greater Yellowstone Coalition
Greater Yellowstone Precipitation, 2023, 23x29 in., linoleum block prints & gouache
Water Pollution

Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn NY
Gowanus, 2024, 6x8 in., linoleum block print
Pollution on Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn, NY

Glacial Retreat
Retreat, 2022, 16x20 in., Tetra Pak print & gouache on tracing paper (left)
Teton Retreat, 2023, 7x7 cm., Tetra Pak print & copper etching

Inspiration & works cited:
Glacial Monitoring, Grand Teton National Park
"A Closer Look: Glaciers in Glacier National Park," EPA, 2025